1st Coastal Patrol Brigade اللواء الاول مرور ساحلي
1st Brigade is part of the Northern Fleet. There are many boats and many
call signs used by the Coastal Patrol Brigades. The only ones we can positively
identify are the ones using hull numbers.
90-98 are 26m Swiftships
61-66 are MRTP20 boats, 3 made in Turkey and 3 made in Alexandria. They are named after former Navy commanders but are usually referred to by hull number:
رقم اسم
61 م حمزة
62 ا بدر
63 م علي
64 ا رفعت
65 ءءءءء
66 م الصادق
مج-1 unit HQ
701 to 710 are Lurssen built patrol boats. The first nine are OPB41 40 metre boats and the 710 is 60 metres.
Destroyer Brigade Command ق ل م - قيادة لواء مدمرة
1st Destroyer Brigade is part of the Northern Fleet and 2nd Destroyer Brigade is part of the Southern Fleet but we treat them all as one. A call sign can tell you the class of ship but not which particular ship. FREMM frigates use جواد and خامس . Oliver Hazard Perry frigates use فارو سائر and عشري. Gowind corvettes use دوتر. Descubierta corvettes use دون.
واحد is Command HQ. Supply ships can also be heard in Destroyer Brigade communications, and calls observed are مذكور and هامش.
Ships of Destroyer Brigade
FFG1001 Tahya Misr FREMM frigate
FFG1002 Al Galala FREMM frigate
FFG1003 Bernees FREMM frigate
F904 Al Aziz MEKO frigate
F905 Al Qahhar MEKO frigate
F909 Al Qadeer MEKO frigate
F901 Sharm El Sheikh Oliver Hazard Perry class frigate
F906 Toushka Oliver Hazard Perry class frigate
F911 Alexandria Oliver Hazard Perry class frigate
F916 Taba Oliver Hazard Perry class frigate
F951 El Zafer Jianghu class frigate
F961 Domyat Knox class frigate
F966 Rashid Knox class frigate
971 El Fateh Gowind class corvette
976 Port Said Gowind class corvette
981 El Moez Gowind class corvette
986 Luxor Gowind class corvette
F941 Abu Qir Descubierta class corvette
F946 El Suez Descubierta class corvette
1000 Shabab Misr Pohang class corvette
Supply Ships
230 Shalatin
231 Halayib
2nd Missile Launch Brigade اللواء الثاني لنشات
2nd Missile Launch Brigade is part of the Northern Fleet and headquartered at Abu Qir. The largest and most modern ships are the four Ambassador MK III Fast Missile Craft and we believe call signs
دخانة جعلان نذير belong to them. We have never heard hull numbers or ship names as call signs.
682 S. Ezzat
684 F. Zekry
686 A. Gad
688 M. Fahmy
Submarine Brigade Command ق ل غ - قيادة لواء غواصة
There are 8 submarines and we think they all fit in the submarine hangar in Alexandria. Sub call signs we have heard are عسكري حساء ديغول سطحي كشيحة and HQ call signs رشوة غنيس ديانا.
Type 209/1400mod class Type 033
S41 849
S42 852
S43 855
S44 858
Mistral class LHD
We're not sure where these two ships fit into the command structure. We think one is officially assigned to Northern Fleet and one to Southern Fleet, but it is not unusual to see them both in the Mediterranean. We have heard the Nasser in communication with the two EDA-R amphibious assault craft using hull numbers as call signs.
ENS Gamal Abdel Nasser L1010
GN011 EDA-R Catamaran Landing Craft
GN012 CTM-NG Landing Craft
GN013 CTM-NG Landing Craft
ENS Anwar El Sadat L1020
AS021 EDA-R Catamaran Landing Craft
AS022 CTM-NG Landing Craft
AS023 CTM-NG Landing Craft
How do we equate call signs to ships? We wait for them to tell us.
ط ا ب ا اسمه كده على الشيش
T A B A what is his name on the net?
ط ا
T A?
تمام صحيح
That's right.