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Updated: Sep 16, 2021

Bright Star 2021 joint military drill to take place in Egypt from 2 to 17 Sep.

4 September / Also media reports Egyptian Navy and UAE conducting naval training Zayed-3 in UAE waters from 2 to 11 Sep. Press photos show ENS Al Galala FFG1002 and ENS Port Said 976 involved. فائز has been receiving position reports from جواد and دوتر with time stamps Z+4 so we conclude that جواد is Al Galala and دوتر is Port Said.

11 September / Very active on 11125khz, we presume it's Bright Star. تلاميذ sounds like a new call sign for the 710 boat. ثلاثة acting as command and control in place of واحد makes us think this could be L1010 or L1020. Night freq 6666khz.

12 September / Exercise activity in English on 6688khz 1845z.

Bravo Romeo / ENS Bernees FFG1003

Alfa Sierra / hull number 710 which now has ابو بكر الصديق painted on the stern

Hotel Yankee / Greek frigate Hydra F452

15 September / دوتر جواد and كمبوديا near the Bab El Mandeb - ENS Al Galala, ENS Port Said and probably a supply ship.

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Updated: Aug 27, 2021

And it includes a submarine. Many frequencies in use helping us to populate the new frequency grid. Can anyone figure out what Alfa Alfa means?

27 August / The navy uses the Thuraya satellite network for communications and we think AA is what they call the terminal, which may be provided by AASAT.

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Updated: Aug 25, 2021

At some point in August the frequency references changed. It appears they are still using the same frequencies but may have just changed the headings on the columns and rows. We will update our frequency grid when we get more recoveries.

25 August / The frequency grid has been expanded to 16 rows.

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